Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Victoria Falls

http://www.kaapstad.org/Kaapstad%20English/Heli%20Victoria%20Falls.jpgVictoria Falls is possibly the largest single-enity waterfalls in the world. The fall itself if basically where the mighty Zambezi River drops its entire width about 1.7 km  or just over a mile. We couldn't go near the fall so we had to take a helicopter and fly to see it. It was a very scary scene.The annual mean volume is said to be just over 1000 cubic meters per second or 38 000 cubic ft per second. Mist generated by the falls can be seen or felt from several kilometers away, and we could prove to that fact because we were able to see the mist from as far away as living stone, which was some 11km from the falls.


Africa's Tallest Mountain - Mount Kilimanjaro

Kilimanjaro with its three volcanic cones, Kibo Mawenzi, and Shira is an inactive strato volcano in north-eastern Tanzania and the highest mountain in Africa at 5,893, meters or 19,334 ft above sea level. Mount Kilimanjaro is the highest freestanding mountain as well as the 4th most prominent. I  couldn't climb it because it was too tall for me so I took a few notes about its history. The name kibo in kichagga means "spotted" and refers to rocks seen on snowfields.The Swahili word Uhuru translates as "freedom a name given to commemorate Tanzanian independence from Great Britain in1961. It wasn't a nice day out that day, so I left early and I also felt tired and called in.


The Marble Towers

A hot day in Johannesburg South Africa, we visited the marble tower. We couldn't get to go inside of it at the time, so the guide gave us a few information about it. The marble towers was built in 1973 and is 32 stories tall.  It looked like it was going to fall down on top of me and whoever was standing around it. The building has an eight story parking garage attached to it and I know people be happy to park their vehichles their It has the biggest electronic sign in the southern hemisphere measuring 44 meters by 32 meters by 12 meters. It is made out of a mixture of concrete and marlbe.I think thats very expensive to build a tower like this and a lot of hard work. It probably took people years to finish this building. Its main usage is for commercial office. Maybe if I was living there I, I would have been working there because its so beautiful.


Kenya Safari

Oh my gosh!! What a lovely site to look at even though its scary, but its wonderful to watch animals walk through the safari. It is also an amazing wild life viewing in the beautiful bushes shining in Africa on a sunny day. The tour guide said that they've been making safari dreams come true, and the reality of being 50 yards away from an elephant family cavorting in the refreshing Zambezi at sunset is better than any dream could be. My safari was being filled with magical moments like these. I laughed cried even fell in love with this wild continent. While walking around amongst the pack was a heavily pregnant alpha female who seemed to be on the look out for a den site. My guide said that towards early June this female would be no longer spotted with the pack while out hunting. The guides observed as they dogs would make a kill, feasting frantically before heading off on a northerly direct. Amongst that was a bad smell from decayed animal like birds and others we headed back to the hotel because I felt sick and upset. I literally vomited.

Nairobi Kenya

I also went to Nairobi Kenya, it is the capital and largest city in Kenya. The good parts of Kenya are definitely cool. They look really really nice, but like most African cities, there are also a slummy part, and Nairobi has one of the largest slums in Africa. Some other places in Nairobi, most of the people especially the children where very happy to see me, they were smiling for the camera.
The name Nairobi comes from the Masai. However it is popularly known as the "green city in the sun" and is surrounded by several expanding villa suburbs. Nairobi is  currently the 13th larges city in Africa. the conditions were overcast with drizzle since I got over there, but after all it was a beautiful site to see, and different things around .

Molori Lodge South Africa

Can you imagine herds of elephant, prides of lion, and more than 340 birds species as you relax by your own private pool. At the Molori Safari Lodge in South Africa, you can gaze out at the Madikwe game reserve while you swim your morning laps.Situated 400 kms northwest of the Johannesburg in South Africa. Enjoying my time through this vacation (raod trip). the  ultra exclusive high design safari lodge is sets in the 75,0000 hectare Madikwe Game Reserve, in the the language of Tswana I remember one of my tour guide said that Molori means "to dream". and truly captures the essence of the Molori Safari Lodge. Its designed of a rustic African style. I loved what I saw and I got a fresh scent of nature. It had me relaxed.http://www.wayfaring.info/wp-content/uploads/2010/03/azura-retreats1.jpg

The Red Sea

The Red Sea
The first place I visited in Africa was the Red Sea . It is so huge that it has a surface are of roughly 438,000 kms (169100 square miles.) while there the man that was showing me the place said to me that there are also intensive shallow shelves, noted for their marine life and corals, and also the sea is the habitat of over 1,000 invertebrate species and 200 soft and hard corals. It was nice to look at it and nice to know that I visited the world's northernmost Tropical Sea.The Red Sea is a seawater inlet of the Indian ocean lying between Africa and Asia I was thrilled to be there. The connection is in the south    through the Bal el Mnadep strait and the golf of Aden.

Coral-filled bay on the Egyptian Red Sea

Beautiful site. I love it.